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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 17, 2013 2:00pm-4:00pm EST

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earlier than they should have been popping up. >> everything is changing. i love the warm weather, but we need to see if that's a good thing or not. cnn newsroom continues with brooke baldwin. >> brand-new developments in the terrorist attacks with the american hostages. what happened on the chaotic moments on the ground. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. it's bizarre and surreal and it's a mystery without answers. notre dame investigating the fake girlfriend of one of the players. an underworld boss known as grand dad is killed boy a sniper's bullet. pacino as paterno. it will include the scandal that took down the penn state legend? i'm brooke baldwin and you are
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watching cnn. let's begin with the unfolding crisis in algeria. americans are among those being held by islamic extremists at the oil field. there report that is the hostages here have been freed in the operation by the algerian army. >> one they can dam in the strongest terms a terrorist attack on bp, personnel and facilities in algeria. they are in contact with algerian authorities and the international partners as well as with bp's security office in london. the best we have at this time indicates that citizens are among the hostages. we don't have more details to provide to you. reports of loss of life and are seeking clarity from the
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government of algeria. >> we are learning more. the state department telling us these terrorists are armed with ak-47s and some are wearing explosive vests. these are suicide vests. they have reportedly been put on the hostages there. for more on this we go to jim clancy. so many moving parts and details from the story today. what do we know? >> a lot more questions than answers. i kwish there were good news, but it's an uncertain situation. the press service is telling us the two britains, a kenyan from a french man have been freed in this algerian operation. an irishman is freed. talk to his parents. other than that the details are sketchy. what appears to have happened here is that the man in charge of operation and the gunman on the ground attempted to move their hostages. they didn't want to be caught in the oil facility, that gas
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facility. they tried to move the hostages to the south and they were in a convoy they e trying to get out and there widespread reports that the hostages have been killed. i don't want to raise or dash hopes. >> back to the leader, his nickname is mr. marlboro affiliated for al qaeda. >> he's a smuggler and he fought as a teenager in afghanistan against the soviets. he received al qaeda training there. he returned then to the sahara region. he has intermarried into the tribe there is and has good fluid movements, but is a very, very nasty character. someone who is determined and very wiley. mr. marlboro because he smuggled cigarettes. he would smuggle anything. people, arms.
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he was known to be in libya gathering up arms. he would sell those. he's in it for the money. this is a criminality crossing over with islamic extremism. >> why this bp facility? one of the reasons i can come up with is there a lot of foreign or western workers there. wouldn't that translate to potential money if you are holding hostages? >> absolutely. nobody is worth money like these western hostages would be. the motives are not clear. he or his group claims they went in because of the french activity and intervention inside mali. there could have been a way he could arrive at being the hero. his name means the chosen one and he has given himself that name. not his real name. this is a man who needs to be the center of attention. he had a falling out with his fellow al qaeda operatives and
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he forms his own group. >> he has gone rogue. he was a loose cannon. that makes him more dangerous. i don't have a good feeling about this one at all. i can only imagine what they are going through. >> i hope your gut is wrong. as soon as we learn more, we will get more on the hostages in algeria. also a couple of months ago, football fans praised football player teo and many are pinning him after they said he was catfished. that means that a person or athlete was the victim of someone online posing to be his girlfriend and the girlfriend who supposedly died of leukemia in the same week his own grandmother passed away. this captivated the entire fwhagz it turned out the
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fighting irish would be going to the bcs championship game. i want to you listen to teo who was the runner up gushing over this woman we now know is not real. >> my girlfriend is a god-fearing woman. she put heavenly father first. if there is anything like that, she loved heavenly father more than anything. i was very blessed to be part of that and share that with her and to sleep on the phone with her and hear her say through the pain of chemo saying can we say a prayer. >> notre dame's athletic director said teo never met this young woman. te'o got a call on december 6th that shattered his world. >> he received a phone call from a number he recognized as having been that he associated with the
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girl. when he answered it, it was a person whose voice sounded like the same voice he talked to, who told him that she was in fact not dead. >> again, that night, that te'o got the phone call, that was december 6th. this is what he told our affiliate two days later. >> i really got hit with cancer. i don't like cancer at all. i lost both of my grandparents and girlfriend to cancer. >> joining me now is brian hamilton. i know your beat has been notre dame. you have interviewed te'o multiple times. when you are sitting in front of him, what's he like? >> i have always said for the four years from start to finish, he's a what you see is what you get guy.
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i like to think my cynicism detector is pretty high. i don't think you can ever really know anybody after yesterday. i'm going to say you can never really know anybody. i'm not saying he's complicit in this and i'm not saying he's not. i don't think anybody can make statements at all one way or another. there so many questions that need to be answered and need to be answered by manti and perpetrated the alleged hoax and maybe then we will get somewhere near a clear picture of what happened. i'm not necessarily counting on that. >> really? you even say once the people start coming forward, we may not know the full truth. let me said what te'o said. to realize that i was the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies was and is painful and humiliating. i am enormously grateful for the
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support of my family, friends and notre dame fans throughout the year to think i shared with them my happiness about my relationship and details that i thought to be true about her makes me sick. i hope the people can understand how trying and confusioning this whole experience has been. just from what i read, he is from this small hawaiian town, incredibly religious and close with his family. questions arising over whether he was complicit in this hoax. timothy burke broke the story. >> te'o's story that he is a completely person doesn't shake through. we have a lot of stories about how they met. she was a student at stanford and they met at the 2009 football game. we know that didn't happen. >> what does your gut tell you? >> i don't think there is any
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doubt that there has been lies told or at least falsities told from one person to another to frame this relationship one way or the other. jack confirmed last night that things that have been put out there about this 2009 meeting at stanford is completely false. the premises of what we thought we knew about this is just a house of cards that fell yesterday. there is a lot of questions answered. my gut tells me that this is a problematic situation for a star player who didn't know how to handle it. as it snowballed in early december one way or the other, again, the question is did he not know how to handle something of his own doing or did he not know how to handle something that was being done to him. i don't think we can answer that
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right now. >> listening to that, it sounds like the definition of met is very nebulous right now. brian hamilton, we will be looking for your reporting in the chicago trip. we will be talking later on to notre dame student body president to mant i te'o's fake girlfriend. we will see if the students are standing behind him. >> america loves a good come back story, but will lance armstrong bounce back after his confession? my next guest knows the business of restoring people's images after a sporing scandal and knows the world of cycling very well. we will talk to him about what armstrong's next life here will be looking like. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me.
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for more than a decade we watched lance armstrong tell us time and time again, i never doped. >> everybody wants to know what i'm on. what am i on? i'm on my bike. >> wharls of whether or not accuse lance armstrong of doing something or regardless of whether they are questioning a relationship with a doctor, we have to look at the facts. we have to. >> the questions have continued and thank you spigz has continued and the only other thing that continued and the most alarming thing is the performance. i have not gone away. >> the cynics and the skeptics, i'm sorry for you and i'm sorry you don't dream big and don't believe in miracles. >> i have never doped. >> how could it have happened? >> it's not that you don't recall? >> how many times do you have to say it? >> i want to make sure your
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testimony is clear. >> it can't be any clearer that i have never taken drugs. >> it airs tonight. we are expecting to hear different words from armstrong. we are expecting to hear a confession. his road to redemption is paved with punishment. he is about to lose his bronze medal from the 2000 olympics and the interesting olympic committee asking him to return it. can he fight his way back? sboing me now, welcome. you are certainly in the business and started your own business making sports stars making it big. you represent a half dozen cyclists. when you talk to the cyclists, do you think the word can forgive armstrong? >> the question is how do we define forgive? absolving him of past sins or wiping the slate clean? a lot of that is going hinge on
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what we hear this evening with oprah. >> what about the timing? there potentially a number of suits. civil suits and defamation. he sued a newspaper and a group of texas. it's the federal government and a whistle-blowing lawsuit where he could pay out big. >> the timing is crucial here. floyd landis, lance's former teammate filed a whistle blower lawsuit that falls into the false claim act that allows them to file suit on behalf of the government. unless and until the federal government joins the suit. it's our understanding that today is the deadline for the defendant of justice to join the suit. the impact of that is tremendous. we are talking about not only a nine-figure fine and penalty -- >> a-figure fine and penalty. i want to say that more time. >> monopoly money with that many zeros and commas. jail time and the like. the timing is what we are
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considering. the ancillary civil suits with 7.5 million and the times of london. all of that pales in comparison to the whistle blower suit. >> do you think in the end that i was talking to a former teammate a couple of days ago who said in the end they want an apology. this is personal for a lot of people in the community. a lot of people want the story to go away. would you say this is just the beginning? >> a lot of people refer to this as lance being the rehab process. i disagree. this is surgery. this is the most technical and painful part. the rehab will come in the days and weeks following oprah and agreement between lance's team and the department of justice and the relevant government bodies. in so far as lance will be forgiven, we have to dissect the two groups. you have the cycling community and corporate and the like, but
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you have the cancer community are two questions. i don't think cancer victims and those who have the illness will have a problem forgiving. i have seen my own father holding the chemo tower and know the hope he can inspire. i distinguish them because it's difference between the professional athlete and the seven-time tour winner. olympic metalist and the like. those are two questions and you need to take a different approach. >> the dle sports agency out of washington. thank you. >> thanks, brooke. as the world watches armstrong's fall from grace, we are asking why do we cheat? the science and emotions behind it. we are talking to doctors and psychiatrists and a human lie detector. how can you spot a lie? don't miss the why we cheat special. president obama faces a lot of challenges in his second term. one of them centers around
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america's security. we will look at the threats next. lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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the hostage crisis in algeria, french troops fighting a militant in mali, possible cyber attacks on strategic computer systems. those are just some of the threats against the national security as president obama begins his second term in office. pentagon correspondent chris lawrence reports. >> terrorists are mobilizing in mali that could be the next launching pad for plots against america, a new challenge for national security. keep us safe. sounds simple. but over the next years,
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america's security could be tested in complex ways. forget the cold war. there is not even a centralized al qaeda in country. >> there still terrorists in hard to reach places who are planning attacks against us. >> the u.s. is trying to make sure yemen, mali or somalia don't turn into the safe hachs al qaeda had. outside afghanistan, the obama administration has been hesitant to put more boots on the ground. they will rely on drones. >> predators and reapers are the signature weapon on the war against al qaeda. >> president bush launched the first wave of drone strike, mostly targeting leaders in pakistan. president obama took office and increased the number of targets and expanded the target into yemen why where al qaeda was planning attacks and into
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lawless somalia. they have been working together in the areas and over the next years, officials want to specifically grow the partnership between intel and special operations forces. >> it is central to our ability to solve our most pressing security challenges. >> perhaps the most pressing is a cyber attack that disrupts services across the states. >> these could be a signer pearl harbor and cause physical destruction and the loss of life. >> it may not be physical destruction, but fiscal. computers crashing and files erased and bank accounts cleaned out. experts say the obama administration needs to do more work to defend american companies. >> we need to worry about the
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terrorists becoming interested because it's not hard or the nation states that are less responsible. deciding it's time to play a little more aggressive. >> the president's former national security adviser said right now there is no real punishment for cyber attacks. >> we will have to have sanctions that are effective and consequences that are meaningful. some ways, ultimately to counter the technologies. >> the u.s. government took the first step down that road when defense secretary panetta indicated that the military would have the right to launch a preemptive military strike if it detented a cyber attack was imminent. chris lawrence, cnn, the pentagon. >> thank you. coming up -- an underworld boss known as grand dad is killed by a sniper's bullet. i'm with sandra who just got these great glasses.
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wall street soured on two of the big banks. allison is with me from the new york stock exchange. what banks are we talking about? >> bank of america and citigroup. their report cards are not as upbeat as the others like goldman and jpmorgan. it's about stuff related to the financial crisis that are making bank of america's numbers look bad. the almost $12 billion settlement over charge that is it sold fanny bad mortgages and more charges are on the way as well.
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the good news is business is up more than 40%. a lot of what we see with the other banks reporting. more people are buying homes with lower interest rates. hard to find the good news with city. the first big bank is citi to miss estimates. they had two billion dollars realitied to lay offs and lawsuits. they had a challenging environment because citi is in the process of restructuring and cutting jobs. the broader market is rallying and the dow is up on good economic news and numbers jumped in december. brooke? >> let me ask you one other thing. you were tweeting about the atms and how they were customer-friendly. we are thinking hallelujah, it's about time. >> i was excited because banks like chase and pnc will give you
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$5 and $1 bills and coins at some point in addition larger bills like $50 and $100 bills. chase made a big push for this and rolled out 400 atms and that number can double. they are doing this as well. a couple reasons why. the more the atm can do, the less they mead a human bank teller to do for you. they help those with low bank balances. they can't afford to withdraw $60 when all they need is $47. >> i thought you were going tell me we never had to pay fees ever ever again. >> i don't think that will ever happen. >> thank you. >> from sympathy to suspicion.
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this notre dame football player would have been or could have been the heisman trophy winner and now said the girlfriend he mourned and passed apparently as his team fought to the championship never existed. prayers and tributes poured in for te'o when he announced he lost his girlfriend the same week his grandmother died. the university of notre dame's athletic director said te'o was duped and the girlfriend was a hoax. >> this was a very elaborate, very sophisticated hoax perpetrated for reasons we can't fully understand that had a certain cruelty at the core. based on the exchanges that we were able to see between the people who perpetrated it. >> we talked to folks in the sports world to people at notre dame on the phone with me now.
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the student body president. brent, i know you are on the phone with me. thanks for calling in. we heard and read that te'o said this whole thing was a sick hoax. double them? >> yes. i think unfortunately a lot of students were questioning that when they read the article, but after the press conference, i think a lot of students got behind him and helped restore the faith in manti. when he speaks either today or tomorrow, it will get all the students behind him. >> when are will he be speaking some. >> i don't have that information. i know when i listen to the press conference, it will be later this week. >> what was it about the athletic director's press conference that convinced others on campus that what manti is telling is the truth? what about that? >> a lot of questions from the article that he needed to have
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answers and i think he was able to answer the majority of them. he said he wouldn't be able to answer and he would be telling the story. when manti speaks later this week, that will reassure students and get full support behind manti. >> not everyone knows what we are talking about. dead spin is the website that broke the story about the "girlfriend." he was no girlfriend. the whole thing was a hoax. here's what the editor said when it comes to the doubts about manti. >> his answer that he is innocent doesn't shake through for a few reasons. first, we have a lot of stories about how they met. she was a student at stanford and they met after the 2009 football game. we know that didn't happen. >> bret, you sat across from him and you only met him once, but were with him for three hours. what was he like?
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was there anything about him and his personality that stood out for you? >> seems like a very genuine guy. we had great conversations about the competition together. it was fun interactioning with him. unfortunately i was not able to hang out with him more often. >> it's fair to say he is a big hero on campus at notre dame? >> exactly. a lot of students rallied behind him through the great football season we had. >> sorry about that. i know you didn't go as far as you wanted to. we will wait and see what manti te'o says. a lot of people want to hear what he has to say. student body president in indiana. i appreciate it. an assassin is on the loose after gunning down this russian mafia boss outside of a restaurant in moscow. authorities say he was shot once in the neck and what appears to be a contract killing.
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a restaurant worker was also hit. that person is in critical condition here. the gunman ran out before being caught. he survived two previous attempts, both in 1998 and 2010. coming up -- coming soon, pacino as paterno. will it include the standal that took down the penn state legend? joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything, plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow.
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five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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the united states for the first time since 1991 is recognizing the government of somalia. hillary clinton is giving a news conference, the peg as to why she is speak. as she was speak, she also spoke a bit about the hostage situation under way at this bp facility in algeria that involves as many as seven americans being held hostage. here's what she said. >> i can say that more brudly what we are seeing in mali and algeria reflects the broader strategic challenge first and foremost for the countries in north africa and for the united states and the broader international community. instability in mali has created the opportunity for a staging base and safe haven for
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terrorists. we had success as you know in degrading al qaeda and affiliates, leadership and actions, in afghanistan and pakistan. we have seen the great cooperation led by african troops through the un mission that you were just discussing in somalia. let's make no mistake. there is a continuing effort by the terrorists whether they call themselves one name or al qaeda to try to destroy the stability and the peace and security of the people of this region. >> she mentioned al qaeda there. a little bit as far as what we know, the men in charge of the hostages went rogue long, long ago. mr. marlboro. he is this evil man and so a lot of questions and more questions than answers. very clear, both from hillary clinton and leon panetta.
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saying clearly this is an act of terrorism. >> we want to talk might havies. coach joe paterno's legendary career ended with a sex abuse scandal with an assistant coach that brought its football program to its knees. hollywood bringing his life story to the big screen. a.j. hammer with more on the film. it's al pachono playing paterno? >> it is. pacino has been linked for months now, brooke. he signed on to play joe pa. the working title of the film is happy valley that will focus on the end of paterno's life as the sandusky scandal unravelled that made him a moral authority in college sports. the winningest coach in all of college football. this will be a great role for pacino and interesting so see how they interpret what made
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this man tick. it's a big reunion for paterno. brian depal ma will be at the helm of the film and he was in scar face 30 years ago. it's a perfect for him. >> you mentioned that this will include the sandusky scandal. do we know how much will be included in the film? >> we don't. the details are sparse, but it is based on the best selling book i mentioned and lead up to the time of joe paterno's death. you can expect quite a bit. >> thank you so much from new york. alexis wineman grew up knowing she was not like other kids, but not until she turned 11 she found out why. the story of this girl who did not let her disorder get in the way of her dreams. >> miss montana surrounded by 50 other beauty queens on stage. all hoping to become miss
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america. for most of her early life. alexis wineman spent time alone. >> i was very quiet because i couldn't say anything right. i was picked on for the way i spoke. i didn't have any friends. >> her parents knew there was something wrong, but the small town didn't have the resources to figure out what it was. at the age of 11 after years and years of searching for answers, a doctor put a name to wineman's condition. pervasive development disorder, a mild form of autism. >> children with autism are very intelligent, but very quiet and socially awkward and don't respond appropriately to interactions with other people. typically they don't become beauty queens either, but one day she simply decided not to let her condition define her. >> i longed to accept myself and my autism and i realized my autism is not what defines me. i define what is autism. >> she entered the pageant as a
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way to prove she can do anything she set her mind to. >> i fell in love with the program and it's a good thing because i won. it's funny how things work out sometimes. >> that are win put her on the national stage in las vegas. >> miss montana, alexis wineman. >> she made it as far as the top 15 and garnered the most online votes. she said the experience has been an amazing ride. >> i enjoyed it immensely. there were times where i fill a bit overwhelms, but those are going to happened in life whether you are in miss america or not. i'm willing to take all of that on. >> dr. sanjay gupta reporting. >> at 18, alexis was the youngest contestant in this year's pageant. she didn't win, but finished in the top 16. >> the ban on assault weapons
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struck a nerve with many lawmakers and law men. >> ban every firearm out there. it's not going to fix it. >> a sheriff refuses to enforce it. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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there is a lot of talk about the president's push to reduce gun violence. we heard from joe biden who did the leg work for the guns package that rolled out yesterday. here he is speaking moments ago at the conference of mayors about denying gun sales with a swath of trouble makers. >> time and experience has demonstrated we should take a close look at the list to see if it fits the needs of society at the moment. it's part of our recommendations to the president and it suggested that the attorney general study that question. for example, right now certain convicted stalkers can still purchase guns.
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>> again that was the vice president a moment ago. as you have probably heard by now, a lot of folks are uneasy. that puts it mildly about this white house guns initiative. we have a house republican who threatened to defund the white house and impeach the president. we have a state rep in tennessee who wants to arrest a federal agent who tried to enforce gun laws and the governor of mississippi is talking about nullifying federal arms directives in history state. tim muller is the sheriff and he wrote to the vice president. let me quote from his letter. any federal regulation enactioned by congress or executive order of the president offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or my deputies. tim muller on the phone with me. thank you for being with me. i have the 23 here. 23 different expectative orders that were signed. we watch watched them be signed
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by the president yesterday. i assumed you reviewed these. is there anything to your mind is conunconstitutional? >> i went through the orders myself and it might surprise you, but i support the president in a number of those. the biggest problem we have that we have seen in law enforcement. i can speak for oregon and the rest of the country. that's the mental health piece of it. that's a huge issue in my county as well as other counties in the state of oregon since the mid-1990s when the state fell on the state treatment follows for folks that had mental impairments of all kinds up to and including criminal types and very violent offenders.
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by closing down most of the mental hospitals and oregon except for the main in salem which is also the oldest one, just about the oldest in the state, 125 years old now, i think. it changed the landscape for the folks that would have been taken up to the state hospitals for treatment. >> in that regard, you have been in support of what the president is trying to do with beefing up mental health? >> you bet. i'm behind it 100%. >> i hear all this agreement with the president, but if you say you won't enforce the rules, give me a rule you will enforce. >> if there is an executive order that offends the second amendment and the other constitution of the united states and those are orders that i would really take a hard
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stance and i take issue with. >> i'm looking at number seven. launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign. does that violate the second amendment? >> well, what's the definition of that? i don't see an explanation of what does that mean? if it's defined more and we can take a look at it, i'm not the only sheriff around or law enforcement official that is looking at this. you take a look at it and you see if there is points in it that we don't agree with. we need to have a discussion about it. that's how this thing came about. i was getting lots of questions from my citizens in my county and my deputies were too. my position on this. i decided i needed to let my citizens know where i stood as the sheriff. instead of having the deputy guess out and pay lip service
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and tell them what i'm saying. i put it out and when i did that, i decided at that time i didn't see a lot of information coming out of the committee that the vice president was the chair of. i didn't see a lot of input as well being asked for. by sheriffs and especially western sheriffs and especially in my case. >> i hear you. >> it's a totally unsolicited letter and it took off from there. >> for sounds like you have a lot of questions and you want these terms defined, explained, before you then have to carry them out. i understand that and i would be curious to see if the vice president is yet to get back to you. >> well, he hasn't gotten back to me yet. he's a busy guy and has more important things to do, but -- i'm sorry i interrupted. go ahead. >> it's been a couple of days
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since you sent a letter. bottom line, as a law enforcement official, would you be willing to lose your job or go to jail if you don't want to force one of these actions thaw believe infringes your rights? >> well, if my voters decide that they don't appreciate the job i'm doing, that's the unique thing about being the sheriff. we are the only elected official in the country. every four years, they can tell me whether or not they like the job i'm doing. that being said, local police and deputiesy don't enforce federal law. there is a operation of powers. they were prohibited from enforcing the laws. i don't think anyone would reasonably expect local law enforcement to enforce gun regulations. >> that's why a lot of this has to come to pass with congress
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and we will see what happen when is you talk about yesterday with the universal background checks and the military style assault weapons. that would be something to trickle down to the states and be something that would need to enforce there. we will follow-up with you. thank you so much for calling in. >> thanks for figuhaving me. i appreciate it. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary, not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science.
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>> a utah woman triggered an avalanche on a backcountry skiing trip. she lived to tell about it. >> elizabeth malloy remembers what it was like to be trapped in a moving avalanche. >> i was flailing, yes. i was swimming. >> then the snow stopped. >> i decided the best situation for me is to meditate and breathe slowly. >> when the snow settled, the skiing partner found himself above the after latch. elizabeth was wearing a beacon and adam had a receiver. >> we picked up a signal and again that reaffirmed that she was buried somewhere. >> after three passes he found her in snow facedown and head down the mountain. >> i did my best to clear out
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the area to breathe. >> her breathing stopped and soon returned. adam pulled jackets and put them on her jacket. he saved her foot from damage by wraping it in a jacket. her hands and feet were frozen so badly blood flow stopped to the right fingers and toes. she was flown to the hospital after a two hour hike out. getting so close to death was early calm. >> it was like i was having a little nap and remember being woken up by sweet kisses. >> elizabeth is expected to make a full recovery. >> 'we cheat. a special about lance armstrong. i will go behind the psychology and the science on what makes people break the rules. don't miss it. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms
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tonight, another american icon confess. we are asking the question, why do we cheat? the science and psychology and emotions behind it. no topic is off limits. the cold hard truth may be tough to hear. i'm brooke baldwin. let's go. >> when it comes to sex, some doctors say cheating is all in the genes. from harvard to scrabble. is rule breaking and academics running rampant in america? find out who makes the best liars and how to spot them. >> i'm baldwin. the world will hear lance armstrong confess to doping after years of denying it. satly the interview with oprah winfrey will be another of the long line of public episodes of someone's fall from grace.
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from rosie's shortcut in the boston marathon to lance armstrong's climbs, the record books and the tabloids are littered with cheaters. >> so it is with a great amount of shame -- >> marion jones lost medals for doping and lying. >> i have betrayed your trust. >> that's millie va nilly dancing, but it turned out they were not actually singing and their grammy was revoked. james frye was a book club idol until his memoire collapsed into a million pieces of fiction. turning oprah winfrey from fan to interrogator. >> do you see the mistakes as lies? >> then the cheater who is clog the evening news. the golf hero with a beautiful blond wife and girlfriends on the side. >> i want to say to each of you simply and directly, i am deeply
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sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior. >> the actor with the hot actress girlfriend arrested for lewd conduct with a prostitute named divine. >> i did a bad thing. there you have it. >> the preacher who is sinned. jim bakker, tim haggard and jimmy swag effort. >> i sinned against you, my lord. >> they have something to hide. the govern nor who lied about where he was while he was cheating on his wife with a mistress in argentina. >> i hurt my wife. >> the governator had a child with his house keeper and gary hart, anthony wiener, eliot spitzer and the most infamous line of all. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> we know those words well. why do we cheat? you will hear from a doctor, a
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psychology, even a human lie detector. many of those cases involved sex. why men stray and what you can do to prevent it. reading the stats and the numbers, 60 percent per of men are unfaithful. why so many men? >> first of all, a lot of men and women, 39%, about 40% of women also are unfaithful. the reason that people cheat believe it or not is not sex. only 7% of cheaters in my study said that they were sexually dissatisfied at home and therefore looking for it outside. most saying it was about an emotional detachment. >> it's not sex? >> it is not. as a matter of fact men said 88% of the mistresses were not better looking or in better shape than their wives.
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the fact is that the concept of the-night stand represents only about 6 to 8% of the male cheaters. most of it is about this emotional connectedness and it's a mistake and they regret it, but they are driven to connect with someone and have that freshness and fun and when they lose it at home and they are disconnect and not nurturing the relationship, it's only too ample of an opportunity to find people to connect and hook up with and they make a mistake of thinking that's real. you can cheat emotionally. >> i have so many questions for you, but i want to bring in two other guests. we have a clinical psychologist here and assistant professor. we have to talk about the brain and talk about paula bloom. we are all guilt tow a degree of cheating. whether we are cheating on
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ourselves our someone else. why do we do it? >> to some degree. we all do a little bit of cheating, but we have to meet a threshold. we get to this little area of feeling like a bad person. we talk about lance arm strochblth m strong. money, fame, winning. how could you do that to us? >> if there is not fame and you are a regular person. no fame or money involved and perhaps you like the secret or the lie or become addicted to the lie. >> when we do have adrenaline, we want to believe things and a lot of times, the world is not how we see it. we want to believe something is true. when you think something, it feels true. >> there is a cheating gene. i know there is a brain scan, right? you can look at the brain and the frontal lobe and you can
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tell a difference between if someone is lying versus not. >> right. there is fascinating research going on and it's ststill in th research faces, but it's using a technology called magnetic resonance imaging, mri, but it's a specific mri called functional mri that looks at the brain in realtime and looks at metabolism of glucose in the brain and tells us what parts of the brain are being used at any second. they have done experiments where they had subjects lie while in the scanner and they see parts of the brain that light up that do not light up when they tell the truth. the basic concept is that lying takes work. it requires effort and calculation. it's harder to lie than tell the truth. >> for some it's so easy and looking at the brain, can people be born with a certain aspect of the brain that perhaps would make them predisposed to lying or something they learn along
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the way? >> some people have mental illnesses that are known to be more adept at lying. it seems to correlate with intelligence. for example, sometimes in some of the patients i take care of with a severe brain injury, they are so blunt they get it himself in trouble because they are not capable of the calculations required to tell lies. you hearing this? if you are highly intelligent, the higher your intelligence, the easier it is to lie or more instance of lying? is that what you found? >> no, perhaps if you are very smart, you can feel that you can get away with it and you are good at it. the idea of presenting that we have a gene, we have predispositions and for some people it's more of a struggle. we have to be careful to never justify or excuse. obviously people are capable. what you have to remember about the lance armstrongs and the arnoels and the clintons and
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everybody, there is another phenomenon when you are that famous and powerful. they walk around all day with people who are worshipping them. everything they say, everybody says it's brilliant and the joke they make. it's laughable. these people do start to believe that story in their head. >> is it narcissim? that's the word that pops into my head. >> yes and it's supported that if you walk around for enough time and enough years that a person begins to believe it. they can do no long. they are handlers and the people that are srnd them are always saying how excellent and unbelievable they are and unfortunately the human condition can take that before many can turn into that. >> they are enablers. they are talking about sex and relationships. a lot of cheating is online. this notre dame football player,
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manti te'o, the athletic director at notre dame said te'o was this word called catfished. it describes someone being duped by a person posing a as girlfriend. this girlfriend supposedly died from leukemia as te'o and notre dame were battling and marching on to a championship game. they lost the game, but along the way, te'o earned sympathy from people across the country and on campus as they saw him grieve for his girlfriend and grandmother who died the same week. here he was talking about his girlfriend. >> before she passed, it's creepy, but she wrote letters for me. the stanford game was the last game she wrote a letter for. she said be humble and be gracious and remember that i love you.
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>> the school is standing behind te'o saying he was a victim of a sick hoax. not part of the deception that had cruelty at its core. >> the thing i am most sad about is -- sorry. that the single most trusting human being i have ever met will never be able to trust in the same way again in his life. >> clearly someone cheated in this case. hoaxes and cheating are more common place. we will look at what's happening online and on blogs. there is a whole reality show called catfish dedicated to people faking online relationships. paula bloom, i will go to you. as we were talking about this cheating and started thinking about this case, a lot of people have this dual persona. you have this virtual person.
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your best self or a total fabrication of yourself. >> right and a continuum. it happens on line with a certain anonymity that you would not disclose in person. you have had to this false sense of intimacy and connection even if you never met. there is a continuum. how many of us, i'm not guilty of this, having photographs from the right angle and make you look older or thinner or a few years younger. it's on a continuum about presenting this false sense to the world. we have all done this and this is something people have done for a long time, creating the sense that we put out to the world and how there so many avenues for it. >> there so many questions as far as how, if manti te'o met this person and if he didn't as he said and this was just a relationship over the phone or maybe over the web, doesn't common sense say -- he said this was the love of his life. how do you explain this?
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>> it is remarkable and explains what we said in the beginning. people want to connect to others emotionally. i wrote a book called emotional infidelity explaining the phenomenon that you can cheat on your spouse without having sex. that is really just a further expression of people's dire need to be emotionally connect and feel somebody gets them. somebody understands them. unfortunately somebody who does give you that feeling can become manipulative and people can be weakened by wanting someone to understand them at their core. >> thank you. coming up next, this. >> lance is a killer. that's why you watch him. any of these guys, these athletes who compete at this high levels are ruthless. they are killers and murderers and unbelievable competitors. >> those are the words from my next guest. how does that play into the urge
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>> do you think you know how to spot a liar? sweat on the brow, shifting eyes and touching the face or mouth and excessive swallowing. for more than a decade, lance armstrong has been looking down the barrel of a camera into the eyes of prosecutors. critics and teammates, fans, and lying. watch this with me.
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>> everybody wants to know what i'm on. what am i on? i'm on my bike. >> regardless of whether or not people accuse lance armstrong of doing something, regardless of whether or not they are questioning a relationship with a doctor, we have to look at the facts. we have to. >> the questions continued and the suspicion continued, but the only other thing that continued is the most alarming thing. the performance. it has not gone away. >> the skcynics and skeptic, i' sorry you don't believe in miracles. >> i have never doped. >> how could it have happened? >> it's not that you don't recall? >> how many times do i have to say it. >> i want to make sure we are clear. >> you can't be any more clear than i have never taken drugs. >> marion jones sent to federal prison for lying about doping. rosie ruiz, the first woman to
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finish the boston marathon turns out she jumped in the race a couple hundred feet before the finish line and tonya harding a whack to the knee with nancy kerrigan just to name a few. none like lance armstrong. on an international stage and for as long as he did. the two-time cycling champion, an analyst who called his first tour de france. john, welcome to you. we visited this moment ago. watch. >> lance is a killer. that's why you watch him. any of these guys who compete at this high level are killers. they are ruthless and murderers. that's what they do. >> on one level you have the killer, someone who is a ruthless competitor. what takes that person to the next level to cheat, to roll over him in their path to get there.
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>> it's complex. for lance and for professional athletes and baseball players who take amphetamines, this is the mentality. they think it's part of the game. lance armstrong walked into a system with the u.s. postal service team that was established. what happens when you grow up in a sport, you grow up in a bubble. after a while, things become that would seem strange outside of that bubble become normal. it's not doping or cheating, but preparation. medical preparation. that's how they view it within themselves. >> you bring up baseball. you have the likes of mark mcgwire or barry bonds or pete rose whoa gambled. that was his cheat. here's what he said recently. >> lance is a little bit like me and i will tell you why.
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for anybody watching us talk, i would give him advice. if you do something wrong, come clean as quick as you possibly can. i waited too long. lance waited too long. it's going to get worse and worse and worse. admit and attack your problem. i'm at peace with myself now it. took me some years to do what i was told to do. you just take responsibility for what you did. i have done that now and my mind and body is clean and my fans understand it and my teammates understand it. we will go from there. that's what lance should do. >> john, at what point do the elite athletes, something happened and they think the rules don't apply to me. >> i think it happens when they get -- i don't know what the moment is. if someone is on the path to win the tour de france and win the
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super bowl championship, there is an ego boost and a rage of aggression and testosterone that the sense of risk goes out the window. they think the rules don't apply to them. i don't know if it's a sense that they develop or something they were born with that lands them in the roles. athletes share certain psychological characteristics along with police and criminals and actors and politicians. they share the sense of rules don't apply to me. i'm going to make it because i'm great. it's part of an innate personal trait. >> were they born with it or something that happens later in life, sanjay, i want to turn to you. when we talked about the chemicals, the moment you lie or cheat, there is a high. dopamine is released. how did does it work? >> a lot of hypotheses around
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this concept. we know about the endorphin release and a natural narcotic gives us a higher rush. these are high level athletes that push their bodies to the limit and they get this rush from going to these extremes. it makes sense that they would also get a rush and release from pushing the rules and pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules. that's another motivator to see if they can get away with it. >> coming up next from the ivory towers of academia, all the way to scrabble champions, my next guest said all cheaters redefine what it means to be ethical, creating their own moral code. we will talk to her, next. stop! stop! stop! come back here! humans -- we are beautifully imperfect creatures
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no doubt, fakers can be fascinating. hollywood loves a compelling conartist. these depekt real world conartists. stories are incredible shams. >> what seems to be the problem? >> accident with a fractured tibia five inches below the pelvis. >> dr. harris, do you concur? >> concur with what, sir? >> with what the doctor just said. do you concur? >> it was a bicycle accident. the boy told us.
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>> so you concur. >> i met this kid, biggest computer geek of all time who hacked into the database of a company and posted naked pictures of women and the salary of every employee on the website with a note saying the big bad bionic boy has been here, baby. >> is this some kind of math club? >> have you studied black jack? >> when? >> as i team on weekends. >> in all those clips you saw, there is the theme brick the rules in academics. lance armstrong is preparing to scrub and dope. why they prepare to fool academic institutes. joining me now from chicago. welcome to you. how can they even look
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themselves in the mirror? are their morals chucked out the window? >> we have this notion that we have our mixed moral compass and ethical beliefs and they never change. that's in fact not the case. it turns out that after we cheat and after we are put into a permissive environment that allows us to bend the rules, we actually change our beliefs about what it means to be ethical. >> how do you mean? what creates that environment? >> right, you don't notice when you place yourself in a permissive environment. let's take the case of infidelity. let's say that you believe you would never cheat on your spouse. it's okay to go to the all girls's singles bar because that would never be something thaw would do. but once you arrive in the situation there is all these temptations and maybe you have a
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drink or two and do something outside of the bounds of what you anticipated. after the fact, your beliefs actually change about what infidelity means and you revise your beliefs so you are more lenient. this is the kind -- >> you talk environment and want to turn to the psychology to my right, dr. paula bloom. it's also a group mentality thing. when i think academics and you are sitting in a class and it's a group cheat. if someone else is doing it, it's okay. >> right. when it comes to academics, it's a few things. i'm not getting an unfair advantage. i'm leveling the playing field. it's justified. what she was saying is you take the story and we want to feel consistent. when our actions don't align
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with the values, let's change our values to align with our actions. the other thing that is with the cheating thing, with the student fist they feel like this work is not relevant to their life, you felt that way in high school. what does it really mean? it's a lot easier to cheat and say this is a victimless crime. >> here's what i want to know. we have all known people who seem to like a lie or not. i wonder if they believe the lies they are tele telling. they convince themselves that what i'm saying is the truth. >> absolutely. that could be a possibility. when we lie to others, we are lying to ourselves. we have this ability to bend our beliefs to align with our behaviors. we are very good at being internally consistent. that means that we end up telling ourselves these lies and that sets up for potential downward spiral of behaviors and
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ever more lenient moral codes. >> it's a snowball effect. lisa is a professor there. we have more for you. secret bank accounts. we are talking money. big spending on the sly. a lot of financial cheating happens much closer to home. spouses who cheat when it comes to money and the marriage after the break. i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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affair. i am talking about financial infidelity. of the 31% of people who pool resources and say they have been deceptive about money, more than half said they have hidden cash or minor purchase. 34% have downright lied. i want to bring in terri savage for the chicago sun times. good to see you. when we have this umbrella of financial cheating, we are talking pill forring money here and there and maybe having a secret bank account or maybe credit card fraud down the road. the essence is not always about money, is it not? >> that's the whole thing. we measure money and talk about cheating and money whether it's someone trading on inside information or madoff ripping off millions from people. when you necessary a relationship, cheating is about something else. i'm sure all the other people have psychological sicknesses and a desire to be punished. in a relationship it's something
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different. it's about control and power. in a relationship, money can be power. the person who is hiding stuff, maybe it's a defiance of the control that the other person has. there is a psychological aspect besides i'm taking $20 out of his wallet or i'm going to hide the shopping bags so he won't see them when i get home. a lot more about the relationship. >> it's cheating, bottom line. whether it's sex or money. what is your advice for a couple. how should a couple handle money? >> you can't really have a basic trusting relationship if it's all about the power of money. sometimes people don't know how to handle money in the relationship. the first thing is you will get together or be married that you have to pool your money. that's a bad idea. you should set up one household account and each contribute to it. maybe if one makes more money,
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that person contributes more and each keep money on the side and can buy the other person a birthday present or do whatever you want. that sets up independence and sets up privacy so you don't have to feel like you are cheating and agree on certain goals. you might be saving for joint things like college for your children or for a mortgage or down payment or maybe long-term things like paying off your own student loans. those are separate things that you keep your money for. again, you can structure a relationship around money in a way that you don't have to fight about it. if you still find you are hiding, it's all about defying someone's power. you can't have a relationship. >> what kind of a relationship would that be? terry savage, on the financial cheating. we have to call to wall street. bernie madoff ran the biggest
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ponzi scheme in history. taking money from widows and the working men. promising to invest it, but stealing it instead. sunny, what makes someone like bernie madoff tick? >> in the world of criminal psychology, we call it the elite deviant. the power elite. what fuels it is this grandiose self regard that you are smarter than everyone else combined with a thrill seeking and what's interesting when they study the mines of these criminals and they interview them, they really get a rush. almost like a drug high from bilking the system or cheating someone that they believe is not as smart as them. sometimes that's even the person that trained them. most times people think it's just greed. it's so much more complex than greed.
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greed mixed in with the thrill seeking behavior mixed in with the urge to compete and finally mixed in with truly a personality disorder. if you have all of that, you have the makings of a bernie ma dor. >> the grandiose sense of self that translates the athletes you were talking about before and people having sex and cheating on their spouses. at the end of the day, i'm going to get caught. >> i used to think that all the time when i was a prosecutor. don't they know that people like me are going to look into this? they are breaking the law. the question is, yes, they know they are breaking the law, but don't think they are going to get caught because they are so much smarter than everyone else. you may not see the kind of behavior we saw with bernie madoff. that is the biggest ponzi scheme in u.s. history, but on a smaller scheme you see this behavior with white collar
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criminals. it's almost a profile of someone that will cheat when it comes to the law. >> how about that? sunny hostin, thank you. before we go to break, i want to get you to talk about the duke study. as we are talking about stealing cash, this is fascinating. people were more tempted to steal. >> they did an experiment at duke where they gave people the opportunity to steal cash and what they found is that people were less likely to steal regular cash than a token that they could take and somewhere down the hall exchange for money. it seemed like if it was somehow indire indirect, it was easier to rationalize the cheating or stealing in their minds. >> why? >> we are removed from it. it's the whole thing we have been talking about. it's easier to have emotional infidelity online because there
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is a none imity. it's easier to steal carb from work. it's easier with the credit cards because it feels removed from what we are really dealing with which is the money. >> i have a tendency to pill for pens. >> you are an awesome human being. >> watch this. lance armstrong. >> explaining he would never use performance-enhancing drugs. we have a human lie detector to get reaction to the video. how can you tell he is lying by looking at him? next. this is $100,000.
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we want to teach you how you could spot a liar. joining me on the phone from australia, i know steve you have talked to and interviewed serial killers and murderers and trying to find flimsy spots in the stories. you say in 30 seconds, you have this profiling technique to figure out if someone is lying. hit me. how can you tell?
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>> basically i analyzed the content and structure of language. every lie they invent they have to have another two to protect themselves. they have to have a great memory because they don't want to contradict. i will analyze a number of mafrs and listen to what they say. in lance's case, one thing i found interesting was he was referring to himself as lance armstrong. this is the disassociation and language. truthful people take ownership. how people use the verbs and nouns in language as well. >> that's interesting. i did notice he refers to himself in the third person a lot. let me play this clip back in 2005 when he was denying that he was not doping. you can't see this, but everyone
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else can. we will talk about the other side. >> can you unequivocally say you have never used an illegal substance ever. >> listen, i said it for seven years or longer. i have never doped. i can say it again. i said it for seven years. it doesn't help, but the fact of the matter is i haven't. if you consider my situation, a guy who comes back from a death sentence, why would i then enter into a sport and dope up and risk my life again. no. no way. >> in that case he said i, i have never doped. >> there were a number of things there. one of the things i see and i worked on over 60 homicide cases. one of the things i see regularly is the things people do. why would i do this and do that.
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deceptive people often do that to take the attention off themselves. pronouns like i is fine. don't forget, he had a long time to rehearse the lies and deceptions. now or back then, the questions, he had to maintain the status quo. i look for that pronounce. he had many, many occasions where he denied. it doesn't mean he doesn't do it. >> the human lie detector, appreciate your insight. final thought from you two. dr. paula bloom. >> here's what i think about the cheating thing and in general. two things. one, it's usually not the crime, it's the cover up. all the stuff you do to cover it up. it's not who you are, but the things to do something you are not. we don't see the world as it is. we create and the way that we think influences how we feel and
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how we act and our life. >> sanjay. >> even though we don't understand why some people lie and some people don't, we are getting better at understanding the anatomy and the physiology because we have better and better technologies like the functional mri that will show us the activities of the brain and will show us who is lying in the future. >> straight up there thanks to science. thank you. paula bloom, forgive me. i have lisa bloom on the brain. paula bloom, thank you. as we talk about why we cheat, i top the look back at a woman who confronted the issues every day. answering questions from cheater skpes lia s and liars. pauline started a column under the pen name abigail van buren. she had an answer for everything.
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>> there is always an answer. even if it's look, pal, you can't change anybody but yourself. you have to play the cards dealt you and live with this to the best you can. you have to accept what fate deals you. >> we learned today that pauline phillips, the original dear abby died wednesday after a long battle with alzheimer's disease at the age of 94. a column she started in 1956 continues today written by her daughter, jean phillips. we'll be right back. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. i've got two tickets to paradise!l set? pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> breaking news on the hostage situation at an oil field. in the north african nation of algeria, it is reportedly over. we are hearing from algerian state media that a land action assault by the algerian army has freed nearly 600 workers including western hostages. americans were among those being held by islamic extremists. the the mastermind is a mr. marlboro. a veteran jihadist who said hostages were killed in the operation. no word as to how many and whom. we'll be right back. and then treats day after day...
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block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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from the cnn money desk in new york, i am ali velshi. do you know what this is? it's the root of all of boeing's problems. it's the 787 dreamliner and the problem is a battery. there are about 150 of these flights every day. let me show you, by the way, the
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battery is what this is. the federal aviation administration has grounded this plane. 800 of these planes are on order. that's what the actual problem is. there have been lot of things going on with this dreamliner. there have been fuel leaks and one of them had a cracked windshield. 150 flights a day, none are happening right now. this is one of the biggest innovations in airline travel since these guy. let me show you who they are. they are the wright brother. they invented the airplane and after that there were lots of airplanes made. in 1969 when the boeing 747 came into service, that's this plane here, the biggest plane around, the jumbo jet. i want to remind you, back when this happened, by the way, there were also lots of delays and lots of problems. but the 787, the dreamliner, i've got a model of that as well. this isn't the biggest plane around but it's a really neat
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plane. it gets 20% better fuel economy and a cabin that is pressurized so you feel more like sea level. and this plane needs it and that's why it's having some of those problems and it has a global supply chain. these parts for these planes are made all over the world. the fuselage, the main second of the plane is made in italy and right here in seattle, wrark ton, that is the global supply chain. it's all supposed to work really well and there have been a lot of people that criticize that that might be what the problem is. i want to show you the stock price of this -- of boeing. i can't sort of get it to work.
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let me show it to you. there's your stock chart. if you bought it a year ago, you'll find it's in the same place. while the stock place has come down in a little bit, shareholders don't really care about this. why? because like the 747, a-380 before it, they will get it worked out. but should you buy the stock right now? i spoke to a guy that says probably not. >> even if there is nothing, there is going to be this cloud of uncertainty that because it's an investigation you just won't get information out of anyone and that's going to put a strain on the stock. >> so bottom line is, these planes will be sorted out. they will not fly until they are safe. you know that's going to happen. the only question is whether you should own the stock. if you own 401(k)s, should that be a problem and probably not yet but we'll keep on top of it.
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remember, the a-380, it looks very small here and this thing had engine problems when it came out. those have subsequently been sorted out. it's the competitor airbus. the 747, jumbo jet before that had a lot of delays and a lot of problems. it happened because planes are more complicated to build than one might actually think. i'm ali velshi. see you same time tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ahh... retirement. sit back, relax,
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having a tough time writing a cover letter? guess what, this comes from a 22-year-old matthew ross, sent a brutally honest cover letter. he said, i won't waste your time inflating my credentials, throwing around exaggerated job titles or feeding a line of crap about how my past experiences and skill set align perfectly for an investment banking internship. the truth is, i have no unbelievably special skills or but i have a near perfect gpa and will work hard for you. some wall street bigwigs praised this letter and it's the extraordinary things that land you a job and a lot of companies are trying to hire the young mr. ross. all day long here


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